Four Simple Words to Lead Your Child in Prayer

4 Simple Words - for The Better Mom - Final Prayer is a window into our children’s hearts. I learn more about what is stirring in the hearts of my three boys from our nightly prayer time when they are all nestled into their beds than I do during our conversations gathered around the kitchen table.

Let me assure you that not all of our nights conclude with a meaningful prayer time. Sometimes it takes everything in me just to collapse into their beds, exhausted of patience, and muster up just enough strength to mumble, “Lord thank you for loving us. We love you too.”

But….. on the nights when I lead them in prayer with four simple words, I never cease to be amazed by what they share.

I hope you'll join me over at The Better Mom today - where I'm sharing an excerpt from Parenting the Wholehearted Child - with the four simple words that are helping my boys learn that there is no request too big, no feeling too bad, no shame too great, and no feeling too unworthy to express to God in prayer.